the present, looking to the future
Areas of focus
The cutting edge in all technologies
Anti-tip barriers
The anti-tip barrier is a useful boundary for temporary separations, easy to install and move ( thanks to the wheels ) and is certified to the strength of 300 N/n.
Counterterrorism Barrier
Secur & Secur's anti-terrorism barrier is a highly innovative device that at 180 kg in standard configuration weighs far less than concrete New Jerseys.
Entrance gates
The entrance gates are certified to the 800 N/m resistance predicted by the uni en 13200-7-2014 standard also can be mounted as modules thus allowing the customer to mount the exact number of entrances they want
People counting mats
People counting mats enable certified people counting even in open spaces and in those facilities where doorways are of high square footage and therefore it is impossible to use normal sensors.
Looking for solutions to ensure
the security of your events?
Get in touch with us and learn about all our security services
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Our turnkey solutions for your event
The most popular Secur&Secur media
For years we have focused on technology and ingenuity, a mindset that has enabled us to patent numerous new tools and devices in an industry where everyone was convinced they could not innovate.